
Pediatric Keys & Pads with Carrie Kastner

  Pediatric Pads vs Pediatric Keys for AEDs: Which is better? What’s the benefits of choosing an AED with a Pediatric Key instead of using pediatric pads? Carrie Kastner, our Education Sales Manager at Master Medical Equipment, joins us to speak on the key differences and the need to be ready for a pediatric cardiac […]

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AEDs for First Responders

AEDs for First Responders

  Why Choosing the Right Unit is Crucial In the world of emergency response, timing is everything. Saving lives hinges on rapid and effective intervention, especially when it comes to sudden cardiac arrest. SCA can strike anyone, from infants to the elderly, and the difference between life and death often depends on quick, well-coordinated actions. […]

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Philips FRx Article

A Rugged AED For Rugged Environments

  There’s no denying Ambulance Services and First Responders work tirelessly to save lives at all hours of the day. They meet patients wherever they are and provide life-saving medical care while transporting them to the hospital. Medical professionals require rugged and reliable equipment to stand against the varying conditions in which responders find themselves. […]

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Shedding Light Blog Final

Shedding Light On Sudden Cardiac Arrest

  Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) contributes to a silent but deadly epidemic that claims countless lives every year. Unlike a heart attack caused by a blocked artery, cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating due to an irregular heart rhythm. Without immediate intervention, cardiac arrest can be fatal within minutes. Despite their lethal nature, […]

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Jon Abernathy

6 Myths About AEDs – W/ Jon Abernathy

  Jon Abernathy talks with us today to debunk six common myths about AEDs: Myth #1- AEDs Are For Medical Professionals This myth suggests that only trained medical professionals can use AEDs. However, the reality is that AEDs are designed for everyone, including bystanders without medical training. By following the device’s prompts, anyone can effectively […]

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Dr. Clay Hallmark- An SCA Survival Story

Dr. Clay Hallmark is the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Lexington, TN, and last year was the first unanimously re-elected President of the Tennessee Baptist Convention since the 1940s. Dr. Hallmark moved his family to Lexington in 2016 and has faithfully served his church and local community for the last seven years. The community became […]

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Reducing The Odds – Cutting Down The Risk of SCA & Heart Disease

It’s no surprise to anyone in the medical industry that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Cardiac emergencies can occur at any time, with little-to-no warning, and can have dire consequences in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the issues are genetic; other times, there is no track […]

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month

National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month October is National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, a time to reflect on SCA preparedness, response, and heart health. Every year, an estimated 350,000 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States. How can you incorporate life-saving safety measures in your schools, workplace, and home? Cardiac arrests are […]

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